I'm so happy to meet you!

I'm Bre Yingling, a 20 something year old horse lover, professional virtual assistant, marketing specialist and equine photographer from the Midwest. Thanks for stopping by to learn a little more about me.

A little about me-

I love cold coffee (Madrinas Coffee from STL is my favorite!), and am crazy about Two Leafs and a Bud Tea.

I've been happily married since May of 2017 to the love of my life, Chris. We met in college at Taylor University and were friends for a couple years before dating. We do have two children, however both are heaven-side. Our first was a miscarriage at 8 weeks in April 2022, our second Brooklyn was still born 8/25/2023. You can read more about our story of infertility on our website.

We have a small herd of animals: a dorky quarter horse, Buckshot, who's happily semi retired now. I’ve owned him since 2009! We used to rodeo and barrel race, but due to a tendency to pull out his shoulder when running I made the tough choice to retire him. Now we just ride for fun!

Two adorable cats, one very hyper Austrian Shepherd, Pippin and a dramatic Corgi, Indy.

Terrible dad jokes are my jam and you'll probably always catch me hanging out in a tank top and my favorite hat! I’m a pretty laid back tomboy and would rather go hiking than get my nails done.

Since my freshman year of college, I’ve been a little lost on how I want to make my mark on the world. I love serving people (hello enneagram type 2!) and I’m passionate about the horse industry, but I didn’t know how to make that my everyday job.

Since graduating in 2017, I’ve worked a variety of marketing positions in different industries from a mom and pop outdoor store to a corporate sales position at a durable medical equipment company. None of these jobs fit who I am or my passions, so in October of 2019 I started Bre Yingling: Virtual Assistant & Marketing LLC.

Now I’m able to do what I love; serving other business owners through SEO, virtual assistant work, social media management and photography!