Happy Wednesday, everyone! I came back from vacation last week, but ended up catching a nasty flu this past weekend. What a way to start the new year! I haven’t done a proper introduction post and I figured now is a great time!

I’m Bre Yingling, 20-something year-old equestrian, Quarter Horse owner, wife, virtual assistant and equine photographer. I’m from the small town of Hannibal, Missouri. You may know it from the story of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, but I know it for its fantastic homemade root beer and gorgeous riverside views (seriously, if you ever stop in Hannibal, stop at the Mark Twain dinette and grab a homemade root beer float. You won’t regret it!).

I graduated from Taylor University in 2017 with a B.A. in public relations. I was SO lucky to have an advisor that took me seriously and tried her hardest to fit my passion into a career. I owe so much of who I am today to Donna.

I also started the photography side of my business in 2016, originally as Breanna Bartlett Photography. After marriage and a much-needed rebrand, I’m known as BGY Photography.

Fun fact, I almost failed my only college photography class!

Hard work and the dedication to prove to myself that I COULD succeed at photography was the only reason my business is doing so well in 2020. You don’t have to be naturally good at something for it to be a part of your life!

I had no idea where my degree and photography business would take me. I knew I wanted to help barns and trainers increase their online presence but I had no idea HOW. While I have changed that focus a bit, my current job is very close to that goal! I just wish I could go back in time and let 19 year-old Bre know this job existed.

I’ve worked a couple different jobs since graduating; some in marketing and some not, that have allowed me to develop my skills and take me to where I am today- a full time entrepreneur.

I LOVE helping people. I know a lot of people say that, but it’s true, just ask my clients. I love watching their businesses take off and succeed!

I am so proud to be a helping hand in that process. I know you’re probably thinking “yeah right, it’s because they pay you.”  On one hand, you’re right. I like being able to pay my bills. My husband, dog, cats and horse all thank you. On the other hand, I have found my passion.

Helping entrepreneurs, like myself, run their businesses.

So what IS a virtual assistant?

It’s actually exactly what it sounds like! I’m an assistant to my clients, but I work from the comfort of my own home, hence the virtual! Often times I have a cat in my lap or a puppy begging to play tug of war. I won’t lie, it’s been great to be home during snow storms or beautiful fall days.

I help my clients with everything from answering emails, scheduling their social media posts, creating and scheduling email blasts, to writing content for blogs, fulfilling show orders, editing photos and so much more! They choose the monthly package that fits their needs the most and we go from there! Right now, I work exclusively with equine photographers since I know their industry.

What else do you need to know about me? Well, I love iced coffee, horrible dad jokes, and hiking. I’m a little bit quirky, but in a quiet sort of way. My long-term clients know that if they text me, there’s a good chance they’ll get a GIF in response instead of a simple “okay” or “sounds good” because life is so much more interesting that way. If you want to know anything else, my inbox, DMs, or messenger are always open (during business hours of course!). I love meeting new people, so don’t be afraid to say hello!