How do I keep track of clients? Invoicing? Leads? To-dos? For someone who prides myself on staying on top of client management, I need some pretty fabulous systems in my corner. Want to know what I use and save some money below? Check them out!


Dubsado is a business management solution designed to cut out the busy work in client management! Through them, I schedule appointments, manage my to-do list, keep track of projects and contracts, invoice clients and even create workflows to streamline all my projects from start to finish. It has been a LIFESAVER to my business! I can schedule my monthly clients on a workflow that automatically sends out monthly invoices, evaluations and questionnaires.

Their easy invoicing system connects to my Quickbooks (see below!) so when tax season rolls around, I just have to click the “share” button for my accountant to see all my business records. Easy!

Dubsado also hosts all the lead capture forms so I can easily move a lead from my website into a client with just a click.

Want to save 20% off your first year or month? Check it out below or by using code “breyingling” at checkout.



Let’s be honest; most of us aren’t crazy excited about keeping track of mileage, taxes, invoice totals or expenses. If you are, you are the lucky few! That’s where Quickbooks Self-Employed comes in for me. They seamlessly connect to my Dubsado account to track invoice totals and expenses. Quickbooks app even has a function where they auto-track your mileage for you (YES PLEASE).

The best part? I can click one button to share all this info with my accountant at tax season so I don’t have to think about it. BOOM! Want to save 50%? Check it out below.



I communicate a LOT with my clients. While I love talking to them, I have a strong “no business after 5 pm unless it’s an emergency” rule that they’re awesome about following. BUT timezones exist and my California client sometimes has things she needs to talk to me about after hours. Slack gives her the ability to send me messages about business after hours without bothering me! I have my settings to turn off notifications from 5 pm-8 am and completely off during the weekends.

Slack offers both mobile and desktop functions. Best part? The free plan works fantastically for small businesses like mine!



Sticky notes on steroids that you can share with others online! That’s the best way for me to describe Trello.

Trello lets you work more collaboratively and get more done. Through their boards, lists, and cards they enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way.

I currently use it to keep track of a client’s scheduling as she has email marketing, Instagram, Facebook, and groups that I help content creation for. There’s no other system out there that allows us to keep track of EVERYTHING in one space!


Pixieset (Photography):

Okay okay, this one is for my photography website but I love Pixieset so much I’m going to add it here. I love everything about them from their web hosting to their gallery host. I’ve been a customer of theirs since I started my photography business, BGY Photography, in 2016. I currently host my photography website and galleries through them and am so excited about their new storefront!

Their easy to follow design makes setting up a site a breeze and my clients love how easy their galleries are to navigate. The customer service representatives have always treated me with respect and have a very quick response time. Pixieset offers easy to follow SEO processes that are beginning to give the big dogs a run for their money. Plus they now offer a blog page!

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