I'm sitting in my office on this chilly November afternoon, listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving and preparing my marketing materials. Now, you may be tempted to close this blog page as quickly as you can because WHO LISTENS TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC BEFORE THANKSGIVING ENDS?! A happy person, that's who! Christmas music actually has been proven to make people more joyful during their day! So I'll continue to happily sit here working.

But on to my actual point, why hire a professional in a world full of Pinterest, Facebook groups and blogs telling you how to market to your client? Well, you may be feeling overwhelmed or like you're just throwing noodles at the wall hoping that some of them stick. And let me tell you, that's not a good strategy.

Think of a marketing professional as a guide or GPS. You know where you want to go, you vaguely know how to get there, but it'd be a lot quicker if you let someone help you. In our world today, time is as good as money and you want to make sure you're spending that precious time wisely.

So here's a few basic marketing tips:

  1. Be Consistent. Consistency is one of the best marketing tactics you can have! If you follow blogs or podcasts, you may know what I'm talking about. A podcast that I religiously follow is Coffee with Kristi and she posts every Friday. But a couple weeks ago, she missed a podcast. I felt confused, overwhelmed and honestly I was concerned something had happened to her! Kristi was 100% okay but as a consumer, I was concerned!
  2. You know that annoying "alt text" option on pictures you have on your website that you like to ignore? Be sure to fill that in as detailed as possible because that'll help boost your SEO!
  3. Find and focus on marketing to your ideal client. Not sure who that is? That's okay! That's part of my marketing program and I'd be happy to help you figure out who they are. Why is knowing your ideal client so important? Check back here later! That's a whole blog post of its own.