It’s Monday and we all have those Monday blues. Even if you love your job, it can be tough getting back into the flow of things after some time off. I’m day-dreaming of our trip to Colorado last year and wishing I could go hiking again.

When I started my business in October, I decided to give myself one day during the work week to catch up on my own business. I decided Mondays are the best day for me to feel like I start the week off right.

Schedule is SO important, especially in a small business. I love Mondays because they're my "get my life in order" days. Don’t get me wrong, I still do client work on Mondays, but it's typically in the afternoon after I make sure I'm ready for the week. Having a clean work space makes me 10x more productive.

Yes, I could be doing this on the weekend, but Saturday and Sunday are my family days. I love waking up, making breakfast and hanging out with my husband, parents or siblings on the weekends.

With the craziness of entrepreneurship, do you make sure to give yourself a day off or at least one morning off? You are your business. Make sure you're treating yourself the way you'd expect an employer to treat you.

Maybe you’re thinking “yes, girl!” by this point of reading this article. If you are, I highly encourage that you block out some time in your schedule to focus on you or your business. If you can work virtually, take yourself out to coffee or tea to get those creative juices flowing. Take a break and take a walk. Go see a friend. Do something outside of your normal.

Now for me? I’m going to go grab some more coffee and get to work before jumping on a flight to sunny California to work for Sara Shier Photography.